What is Elder ECHO?
In partnership with NACCHO, we are offering monthly zoom sessions to support all Elder Care Support (ECS) Coordinators and Connectors in their work in Community. Elder ECHO is a way to connect with other Elder care coordinators and Elder care connectors to learn more about Elder care health and wellbeing in a safe online learning environment.
Each month we connect to listen to a community organisation do a ten-minute talk about Elder health and wellbeing. Some passionate ECS people joined virtual yarning circles to tell us what was needed and so we have developed the Elder ECHO topics below. We’ll have guest speakers each month to support learning.
Most importantly, Elder ECHO provides a chance for all Elder Care Support Coordinators and Connectors to meet up online and yarn about what is happening in your Community. It is a chance to support each other and share knowledge. It’s a chance to hear about different culturally safe organisations that can support Elders and support you.